What should I expect at my first Massage Therapy visit?

Some people are a little apprehensive about coming in for their first massage treatment. For most people it is a new experience and it is unclear as to what to expect. From the moment you arrive at our patient focused clinic until you leave everything will be explained thoroughly and at any time questions will be answered.

To start your registered massage therapist will conduct an initial assessment, which will include a complete health history, postural analysis, range of motion testing and orthopaedic testing if necessary. The results from all the information gathered will assist your registered massage therapy in determining the massage therapy treatment that is safe and effective for you.

The treatment will include hands on manipulation of the soft tissues and joints of the body. Hot and cold hydrotherapy maybe used through out the treatment. Please don’t hesitate to discuss questions or concerns with your therapist prior to, during or after your treatment.

Are lotions used during Massage Therapy treatments hypoallergenic?

All lotions that are used are hypoallergenic and all linens are freshly laundered with natural detergent.